Contribute to CAB's mission!
Whether through a donation of your time, resources, or financial support, every gesture counts in making our camp shine and enriching the experience of our campers. Discover how you can help and be part of the adventure!
Here is our wishlist for our future projects and to support the camp's needs.
All-terrain vehicle (ATV)
Backhoe loader
Adirondack chairs
Art supplies
Sports equipment
Fishing rods
Non-perishable food items
Provide your support, whether near or far, through these few impactful actions.
Provide skilled labor to work on various ongoing projects
Share the camp within your network and encourage the sending of campers and future staff members
Keep the camp in your prayers, that the Lord grants wisdom and humility to the staff, and that the campers discover or deepen their relationship with Him
Here are a few causes where your donation can make a real difference.
Funding for new infrastructure (new kitchen, new cabins, chapel window replacements, dock extension, etc.)
Sponsor or partially sponsor a camper in need to give them the unforgettable camp experience
General donation at our discretion (e.g., daily operations, repairs, fees, equipment, maintenance, etc.)
How to do it?
For any donation of material, please contact us to arrange a pickup or drop-off directly at the camp.
For any donation of volunteer labor, please contact us to discuss our projects and your ideas!
For monetary donations, you can send cash, a cheque made out to Camp d'action biblique, or make an Interac e-transfer. Please include a note with your name, email, and postal address so we can issue a tax receipt.
Email for Interac e-transfer:
Security question for Interac e-transfer: Reason
Answer for Interac e-transfer: Camp
*Tax receipts available for all monetary donations.